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PS Renewables welcomes Solar Energy UK’s manifesto for a brighter future

This week, we welcomed the release of Solar Energy UK’s Solar & Energy Storage manifesto, which confirmed the significant role that solar and battery storage will play in the UK’s bold transition to net-zero.

This manifesto comes at a crucial time. As the global race to tackle the climate crisis and secure energy independence becomes more vital, the UK stands at a pivotal crossroads. The manifesto’s goals – expanding solar capacity to 50GW and energy storage to 30GW by 2030 – are not just ambitious but essential. These targets align with the significant progress we have made to date, as well as the broader government aim of reaching 70GW of solar power by 2035.

Key Actions for a Renewable Future

The manifesto outlines five critical actions that the next government should undertake to ensure the success of the solar and energy storage industry:

Embrace UK Solar: Prioritize solar power as a cornerstone of the UK’s energy strategy.

Benefits for New Homes: Integrate solar and storage solutions into new residential developments.

Turbo-charge the Network: Upgrade and modernize the grid to accommodate the rapid expansion of renewable energy.

Build Skills for Green Jobs: Develop a workforce skilled in renewable technologies through education and training programs.

Market Reforms: Implement policies that favour renewable energy in market operations and regulations.

At PS Renewables, we are proud of our track record of developing, designing, building, and maintaining our energy projects here in the UK.  As we approach the general election, the Solar & Energy Storage Manifesto provides a clear path forward, and we look forward to supporting its aims as we continue to bring forward exemplary projects that shift the dial and support Pure, Breathable Clean Air.

You can read Solar Energy UK’s manifesto here.